Tuesday, October 28, 2008

On Voting, etc.

"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost." -- John Quincy Adams

I came across this quote on a third party candidate's web site. As I'm voting today to avoid any possible rush a week from today, I needed to finally get on the ball and research third party candidates that may well - in my opinion - do a better job than either Obama or McCain. Did I find one? I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure I can vote for one of the third party candidates with a clearer conscience than I could if I were voting Republican or Democrat. I'll keep whom I vote for between me and my voting booth, but I will echo the sentiment of at least one of my Facebook friends: It's worthwhile not to discount third party candidates just because they don't stand the best chance of winning. If you're like me and you live in a state that's decidedly red or blue regardless of your vote, why not make your vote stand out from the crowd, and have it be one you won't lose sleep over to boot?


Anna said...

amen. I came to a quite similar decision and philosophy myself.

Querida said...

You mean I have an ally? Score! (I was starting to think I didn't know anyone who wasn't voting for McCain or Obama...)

sarah said...

also - the more votes a third party gets in an election - the more money they get the next time around for campaigning.
interesting huh?!
I think I owe you some snail-mail :)

Querida said...

That's interesting. And cool. Snail mail coming your way too, Jo.