Friday, January 22, 2010

You were always on my mind...

It's surprising to me - now that I'm back into blogging on a pretty regular basis - that I hadn't done it for so long. I have all these thoughts - I'm a pathological thinker, donchaknow - and it's difficult for me to sort through them. God bless my sweet husband for listening to me talk his ear off as often as I do, just so I can sort through all the stuff in my head. And sometimes it is just stuff: grocery lists, potty training, whether or not to eat the taco I crave. But sometimes it's more, heavier: whether to begin in earnest to find a new church, how to balance a part-time job with full-time mommyhood (and whether it's even worth it), how to know if our family is complete as it is or if an adopted little girl(or boy!) is on our horizon. Be patient with me, faithful readers, as more often than not, I have none of the answers to the questions I pose. But sometimes I just need a listening ear (or a reading eye).

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