Friday, February 5, 2010

Prepare yourself

cuz I'm about to whine.

G is not asleep, has not napped today, and will undoubtedly be a handful until we put him to bed (necessarily) early this evening, which heightens the likelihood of his not napping tomorrow. He seems to have been in bed the whole of the last two hours -just not sleeping.

R napped for about half an hour. I'm pretty well convinced he only woke up because he surprised himself by rolling over. But at least he's happy in his Excersaucer, rather than screaming at me.

The lady who was going to watch the boys for me tomorrow morning has caught the crud (hopefully not from G, who spent some of Wednesday evening with her). So now I need to find a sub for work or cancel, since Andrew works 8 to 3 tomorrow.

Andrew's been very busy this week - all good busy - but this is unfortunate timing with both boys being sick, especially since one requires breathing treatments he's not too keen on. Also, he has to work Sunday. Super Bowl Sunday.

I guess that's all. As you were.


anna said...

Is G the one needing the breathing treatments? just wondering if that might be the cause of his lack of sleeping...

whining is fully accepted though. You guys sound like you've had quite a bit of excitement on your plate this week...

Querida said...

Nope. R is the one being nebulized...