Gabriel was a creature of habit from early on. The first three or four months of his life, he ate every three hours during the day (eating and playing for an hour, then sleeping for two), cluster fed at night (which made date nights impossible), and slept through the night til six am, when he ate, then went right back to sleep til nine.
Rhys = not so much
[side note to people from multiple-child families who always hated being compared to your siblings: it's not really about wanting you to be like the other kid(s); it's just about your parents trying to make sense of their children based on their previous parenting experience]
He's a sweet, happy, playful baby whose eyes light up when his brother comes into the room. But he stresses me out because he doesn't sleep during the day. At night, he's good. He tends to wake with the dawn while I'd rather hide from it, but he doesn't really wake during the night thinking its morning and try to play.
Where G's fussiness was almost always solved with food or a (well-received) nap, Rhys fights sleep - sometimes ferociously, even as he rubs his eyes - and has been known to laugh in the face of food. [Yes, sometimes my twenty-two pound six month-old won't eat.]
I keep thinking my life would be less stressful if he was more predictable in his sleeping/eating patterns. But maybe my life would be less stressful if I'd accept that he doesn't do predictability. Time for me to roll with the punches, perhaps?
First, I'd like to roll into bed and nap. (A task that'd be more attainable if a certain someone was asleep...)
For obvious reasons I have been very interested in hearing about how people adjust to adding a second baby. It sounds like Camille and G are very similar. She was a super easy baby who loved to sleep and loved her schedule. I am also a schedule fan (fanatic, maybe) and so we had a good system going. I am very curious to see how #2 will be as far as the eating, sleeping, scheduling thing goes. The sleeping thing is the trickiest I think, because, who wants to lose sleep?
I'd become so accustomed to napping when G naps that not having the opportunity to for sometimes a week at a time is rather a rude (and literal) awakening! Oh, but two kid-hood has been kind to us. The boys get along so well together, and they absolutely love being around each other. (I think that's an added advantage of same sex siblings now and later...) We'll be praying for you and your impending Huge Life Adjustment. :)
I'd become so accustomed to napping when G naps that not having the opportunity to for sometimes a week at a time is rather a rude (and literal) awakening! Oh, but two kid-hood has been kind to us. The boys get along so well together, and they absolutely love being around each other. (I think that's an added advantage of same sex siblings now and later...) We'll be praying for you and your impending Huge Life Adjustment. :)
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