Monday, July 5, 2010

Last week

was rather a long one. It seems every time I tried to come up for air, something pushed me back under the surface of the water. I brought it on myself. I've found myself so bogged down in daily duties lately that I've let my personal time with the Lord fall by the wayside.

Have you ever avoided someone on purpose? Like, a good friend? You look at them and hear them talking to you but you don't really take the time to sit and listen because doing so would cause you to stop thinking about the million and one things you have on your mind?

Is this thing on?

Anyway, that's what I was doing until the stress finally got to me while - what else? - balancing the checkbook and paying bills the other night. I finally had it. My top popped, and I found my loving Father waiting with open arms to assure me that everything would be okay, that He had it under control, and I didn't need to worry.


The weekend was decidedly light-harded by comparison. Hubby took me and the boys out to Smashburger Friday night. Delish. Then we got some killer deals at Target afterwards (half price cat litter and a quarter-of-the-original-price litter deodorizer, thankyouverymuch).

Saturday, A worked half the day, and we went to a picnic at the McGs' church that evening.
(Sidenote: My brother called while I was baking a cobbler - raspberries and blueberries, to be topped with whipped cream [red, white, and blue food - the closest I come to patriotism] - and asked me two or three times what I was doing. I told him each time that I was baking a cobbler. I was beginning to think he didn't know what one was when he finally clarified. He thought I said I was baking a toddler.

And the crowd goes wild with uproarious laughter!)

Sunday, we had another picnic, this time lunch at our church - which included two scrumptious dishes whose ingredients I'll try to recount later on my other blog - followed by a nap for three of four Duncalfes, then a cookout at Tam's.

Lots o' fun. And the bonus was someone reminded me yesterday evening that Hubs has today off. So far, I've gotten to take two morning showers on consecutive days, and he's cut the yard and harvested some carrots (our first this year).

I hope your weekend has been freeing in some way or another. If it hasn't, you still have today to make it so.

Q out


Rhonda said...

Sounds like a good weekend! Nice blip in the paper too:)

Querida said...

Not sure why Bec's comment didn't show up, but thanks. :)