Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Of Cute and Cutenesses

At the end of a long (read: looooooonnnnnnggggggg) day with the boys, the highlight of which was my non-napping pre-schooler, Andrew came home and took the boys with him to church after dinner. (Even at this current moment, G's insisting to his father that he can't sleep.) Apparently, the local Christian radio station aired Third Day's version of "You are Beautiful, My Sweet, Sweet Song" as Andrew drove to church. After they arrived and Andrew had turned off the car, Gabriel said, "Daddy, you're my sweet, sweet song."

And we all turned to goo.


Rhonda said...

ahhhhhh....that makes up for the long days:o)

Anonymous said...
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Phil said...

AAAAh I can't wait to see them!!!

Querida said...
