Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cain and Abel

I'm planning my Sunday school lesson for tomorrow morning. This is not abnormal activity for my Saturday night. I usually have a big idea in mind, but I don't tend to plan the specifics until the last minute.

This of course means that tomorrow's lesson is about giving God our best (i.e.: not procrastinating when it comes to doing His work). I did a search on biblegateway for "firstfruits" so I could find an appropriate memory verse for tomorrow, and it's amazing to trace the word "firstfruits" through the Bible, from Exodus to Revelation. First, it's crops and animals; then, it's firstborn sons of Egyptians; then, it's Christ, and finally, it's us ourselves.

It's quite powerful and profound to me to see the "firstfruits" all gathered together that way. I think it'd make an interesting word-study, should I ever find myself in a position to do one...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've never heard anyone trace the shifting implications of "first fruits" throughout the Bible like that. Very thought-provoking.