Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kids Say...

We were in the car on the way home from meeting the newest McGuckin when Chris Tomlin's "Our God is Greater" came on the car radio. Gabriel said excitedly, "I know that song!" So I turned it up and began to sing along before I thought to ask if he likes it. He does. A few seconds later, he said, "It's all about mighty machines."

And I turned the radio off quickly to keep from bursting out laughing.
He was serious, people!

Mighty machines. The next time you crack up during an inappropriate time at church because a Chris Tomlin song is being sung and all you can think of is mighty machines, it's okay if you blame me.

Happy Tuesday!

And Happy Birthday to Trevor McGuckin!


Jenny Keidel said...

We sang this song in church this morning and you made me smile. :-)

Querida said...
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