Sunday, February 6, 2011

Teleflora comes out of nowhere and steals it!

Budweiser - Clydesdales bearing beer save the bartender's arse when he doesn't have any left on hand for the trigger happy drifter who strides purposefully into his bar. And then they all sing "Tiny Dancer." That ruined it.

Teleflora - Faith Hill helps a lyricist write what's in his heart on a card for his girlfriend's flowers. What's in his heart? How awesome her lady parts are...

Transformers - Ish ad. My husband says he's not even gonna bother with that one. I bet he would with me on 50 cent night.


BMW - Theme: Regular people tell all the things BMW has done that don't make sense but have nonetheless made them successful.

Motorola Xoom - Dude uses XOOM to make cartoon where a guy gives flowers to a girl, snapping her out of monotony. This one's a firm second to the Teleflora ad, but who knows how to pronounce it? I mean, at least it doesn't sound like a feminine product (read: IPAD), but still.

BMW Diesel - Everyone is amazed when a guy gets a diesel and stops exhaling exhaust. This ad was kinda cute.

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