Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Fluid, Fluid, Everywhere

Five pounds in one week - that's how much I gained from last Monday to this. I'm really hoping the nurse and doctor weren't yanking my chain when they said that most of it is probably fluid (prominent in my newly swollen feet and face) and that they've seen women lose as much as twenty pounds in a week right after giving birth. And hopefully Gabriel's birth is right around the corner. Mommy's getting a leetle tired. Last night, I went to bed at around seven thirty, and pretty well slept through the night until 8:40 this morning. I did a few of the chores that were left to do after Gwen came over and did so much yesterday, and now I'm pretty well tuckered out again. I can just about muster enough energy to give you - faithful readers - an update. Gabriel is due Tuesday. The doctor says I could give birth sooner than that or ... not. Only time will tell.


The Puppy Pirate said...

I got Andrew's message and accidentally deleted your # on the caller id, so couldn't call you back. But I did call HR today and left a message. I currently am working a temp job at LU, but it's not permanent.
I think today was the due date, so I hope everything is going well!!

tank said...

Eeek, it's already Wednesday! What's the status?

Samantha said...

Whoa, it shows how long it's been since I've checked on other people when I say that I had no idea you were pregnant - congratulations!