Thursday, June 28, 2007

Gabriel the Babriel

has arrived.


He's five days old today and is currently sleeping in the bedroom (something he did not do much of last night). He came Saturday, weighed 9 pounds and 8.2 ounces, measured 23 inches in length, and had to have his arm broken in order for the doctor to get him out of me. So he's got his little arm in a cast right now, but it shouldn't have to be that way for more than a couple of weeks.

Pictures can be found here That's all for now, faithful readers.


tank said...

Horray! But...I didn't see any pictures at your link...

Unknown said...

Fixed now, sorry about that!

Bethany Bassett said...

Huge congratulations, Q! Gabriel's a precious little guy. And you look fantastic in the pictures -- are you sure you went through labor? :) We're really happy for you and Dunny!

zippy said...

he's soooo adorable!! congratulations!!

zippy said...

is it all right if i post these pictures on the g2 blog?

Querida said...

Zippy, feel free to post pix on the G2 blog. B, I'm quite sure I went through labor, though it's good to know I don't look like it... Man, labor is hard work!

Ma Hoyt said...

Congratulations :-) and many blessings to you and your family.

Ma Hoyt said...

(from Ardith's Mom, since blogger is being weird with my user name :-p )