Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Cord that Bound

It's gone. On day thirteen of my baby's life, his umbilical cord fell off. And, yes, I thought I was going to cry. After all, now that the last thing that physically connected him to me is gone, is he still my little baby?


I'll have to assume the answer to that question is yes since he's still quite the voracious eater at every hour between nine at night and three in the morning. At least, he was last night. And between those feedings and the subsequent burpings and diaper changings, he let Mommy get about twenty minutes of sleep at a time - and not even that necessarily every hour. We took the Babriel to the doctor today for his two week check-up, and he weighed 11 pounds, 11 ounces. Some of that weight is due to the cast on his arm and the ace bandage around his body, but still... I find it very difficult to believe I gave birth to a nine and a half pound child who's gained two pounds in two weeks!

Ah well, time for dinner, courtesy of Dashing Dunny's parents. (They are also the only reason I feel anywhere close to normal right now.)


sarah said...

i would have commented a long time ago (like when i looked at all the pictures) but my 'puter has been pooy. [i bet your life has lot of pooh in it now too ;-)

Querida said...

Yep. Lots of poo, and diapers, ... and sweet baby love.