Thursday, August 21, 2008

This one's for you, J. Thanks for the heads up.

Oh, listen to a story 'bout a kid named Zed,
A trendy teenager with a flat top on his head.
But then one day he was walkin' down the road,
When an unsuspectin' dame crashed into a pole.

Utility pole, that is -
knocked out all the power for three square miles...

Ole girl was in a coma forty long nights and days.
When she finally awoke, how the doctors were amazed.
She said, "New York is the place I have to be -
to fight fashion crimes like the one that nearly killed me!"

NYC, that is -
Fashion capital of America.

(She lived fashionably ever after : )


sarah said...

one time, i was eight, sitting under a street lamp outside a basketball arena and the heavy glass light cover fell off and conked me out. No joke. I had a nasty headache/concussion/lump when I came to! It was so heavy, it didn't even break when it hit my head (either that or my head really is hard! ha!)
the end.

sarah said...

I love you!
I miss you!