Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fleece and Hesitation

A couple weeks ago, Andrew and I were driving to church and discussing how the make some decision or another. As we got out to drop G in the nursery, he mentioned something about putting out a fleece, and I commented that I think "we" misuse that expression often. Gideon's divine fleece request wasn't the example we're supposed to follow. After thinking about it a minute, Andrew remembered the story in its context and agreed.

Which I say to mention this: I've been doing a version of Gideon's poor example myself. Andrew and I have at times discussed the lack of (consistent) children's programming/curriculum at our beloved SMAA. This is the church where we married. I started attending there shortly after we started dating. We're involved in the College and Career Ministry. Andrew plays in the praise band. St. Mike's isn't just where we happen to go on Sundays. But as G grows, it becomes more difficult not to prioritize spiritual education for him on his own level, with his own peers. Sigh. So we've discussed and discussed and had come to a sort of agreement, but rather reluctantly. Last night, though, after I returned from an evening of dancing at St. Mike's, I had a very practical thought/argument with myself in my head. It went something like this:

Me: SMAA really feels like home. I hate the thought of even looking for another church.

Other Me: Well, this house feels like home too, but would you and Andrew hesitate to move elsewhere if it meant a more fulfilling job for Andrew that also paid him more, providing more for your family?

Me: Well, it'd be a hard thing to do, but I don't think we'd hesitate.

Other Me: Then how much more important is it to make a decision that could lead to providing more spiritually for your family?

Me: Hmm. Good point.

And this is where we are. We <3 our church and sincerely hope that within the period of time that we have planned, a change will come that will allow us to stay without feeling like doing so will be depriving our boys of some "more" they could take part in elsewhere. But if that doesn't happen, the decision is made for us. Our boys - and our whole family - come before Andrew's and my individual preferences. This time, anyway.


anna said...

*hugs* and *prayers* as you guys get to a point of making that decision. That's a really good though about moving away from the house though...I wish some similar thought had come to me when I was a teenager being moved from Texas to Colorado

Kellsotr said...

I have just started reading your blog and it makes me happy. Over the years I have thought a lot about SMAA and have missed it and wondered how it faired through all of the changes within the Episcopal denomination. There is nothing easy about your decision. I felt the same way when Matt and I moved from California to Texas for Camille. I knew it was the best decision for her, but it was awful for me. It has gotten easier as I watch her benefit from the decision, but sometimes I still miss what I had.