Monday, January 25, 2010


has been on my mind since at least mid-December. I realize I spend a lot of my time watching television, and not as much time but still plenty consuming fast food. At first, I thought I should only give up one for Lent so as not to send my husband screaming from the house when his wife becomes unbearable because she lacks both "American Idol" and cheeseburgers. But that still, small voice - you know the one - kept urging me to give up both. So I will. There's plenty for me to pray about during the time I could be using to consume unpronounceable ingredients and veg in front of the boob tube: whether adoption is in our future, whether a new church is in our future, relief efforts in Haiti, dissension within what's left of the American Episcopal Church. No matter your denomination - or faith, really - I encourage you to fast from something that takes much of your time during this Lenten season. If you're not a pray-er, just be quiet. Sort through your thoughts. Revisit some dreams you forgot you had. If you are a pray-er, be quiet. Listen to what your Father wants to say to you. I guarantee He won't disappoint.

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