Friday, January 8, 2010


is the time when I'll allow myself to weasel out of prayer time each day. When I taught, I literally depended on beginning each day with a chapter of the Bible and a written prayer to God. In two years of teaching, I can count on one hand the number of times I did not follow this routine before leaving for work, and I can assure you those days were not good ones. I've slacked off since becoming a (ahem) housewife, so caught up in the day's busy-ness and the often all-consuming job of mothering one, then two small boys, that I told myself I simply didn't have the time to sit and write. I still talked to the Lord throughout each day, read when I could, participated in the occasional Bible study - all good things. But my English teacher, creative writer, expressive self needs to write to my Father. It's the only way I block out everything else around me and truly become quiet, focused on Him. The intimacy I've been missing is just around the corner.

Thanks to Candace for asking me to keep a journal for her each day. If I hadn't started doing it, I probably wouldn't have kicked my own but and started praying - really praying - again. HollatchaQ

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