Saturday, January 9, 2010

On War and Pacifism

I am beginning to think that pacifism is a luxury of the naive. I'm sure "Inglorious Basterds" isn't intended as a teaching tool, but it's sort of clarified some things for me. I have a hard time thinking people are beyond rehabilitation - any people. This means I have a hard time with the idea of the death penalty, war, and even peoples in the Bible whom God wiped out because of their unrelenting sinfulness. But I kind of get it now - at least a little bit. It's not that people can't change; it's that they won't. And sometimes they commit - repeatedly - acts so horrific and depraved that the only sure way to stop them is to end their lives. Now, do I really think it's any human being's place to decide who lives and who dies? No. But I kinda get it.

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