Thursday, January 28, 2010

John 2

I think sometimes I forget Jesus was man and God. Maybe when Mary told Him about the wine running out during the wedding feast, His response to her was that of a mildly annoyed Son toward His mother.

Tonight at Bible study, someone wondered aloud why He turned over tables in the temple instead of performing some kind of miracle, or maybe doing something that would have resulted in people's mouths being shut, or all the money disappearing, etc. Haven't you ever been so enraged that you couldn't see straight, reacted from your gut, and blew the heck up? Maybe that's what Jesus did - no forethought or planning, no stopping to consider what the best strategy would be. He was ticked off, erm, I mean - zealous.

And maybe when He decides not to put His trust in the many people who begin to believe in Him, that reaction is a result of His human-ness and His divinity. Sure, as God, He knows all men. But as a man, He knows all men too. And you and I and every other man and woman on this planet know that men are fallible, fallen creatures who are completely capable of letting you down.

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