can be explained in two words: Pioneer Woman. Google her. Read her. Love her. She's the shiz-nit. I got caught up reading her love story, all about how she met, fell in love with, and married her very own Marlboro Man - despite her bigcitygirlness. I've been so swept away by the romance of it all that I've reflected on my own hubs, and how he and I came to be a we. I won't bore you with the long version (now), but I'll brag on him a bit in brief.
Tonight, we are going separate ways to hang out with people of each of our same gender. Usually, one stays with the kiddos so the other can leave. Tonight, we're both leaving. Six thirty (with G already put to bed early) found me absolutely exhausted, with grocery lists and fussy R on the brain. Andrew graciously allowed me to nap, put R to bed, crated Mater the noisy labrador, created a guest account for our sitter on our computer, put away dinner and dishes, and hung the moon.
So, yeah, I love my man. He doesn't wear Wranglers, but that's all right with me.
(Oh, and who doesn't love Pioneer Woman? Her love story is one of the best fifteen-hour reads I've ever come across!)
what have you done to me!!? I just used up my entire lunch break on pioneer women and am contemplating taking vacation time to continue... ;)
love ya!
I just finished her love story yesterday during what should have been Rhys's three-hour long nap (ha!). She's just so funny and real and readable. Now that I'm done with that, I'll probably be exploring her homeschooling resources and her recipes. I hear they're delish.
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