Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Must sleep soon

but not before I share what's going on at church. I've been quick to share my heartache here in the blogosphere. To then conceal a shining ray of hope would be downright criminal. Two Sundays ago, when Him delivered a decidedly brutal, hard-hitting sermon about St. Mike's financial state, only a handful of people were present. And as needed as his words were, I was positive there weren't enough people present for there to be an immediate impact - read: more money taken in that Sunday. I was wrong. We received about three hundred bucks more that Sunday than is needed to run our church each week. (We've been in the negative just about every Sunday for months.) I saw this printed in our bulletin and believed with my whole heart that it was nothing short of a miracle. Last Sunday, the miracle grew. We received in our weekly offering more than twice the three thousand-ish budget. Considering our small-in-numbers-but-big-in-heart congregation, that's remarkable.

I've been thinking - and should probably do more than think - that our theme verse for Sunday school/children's ministry should be John 6:11. When we give our loaves and fishes to God - however inadequate we may think they are - He multiplies them in marvelous ways we could never imagine.

I don't think St. Mike's troubles are done forever. But I'm heartened to see our congregation awake from complacency into action.



Japheth, Krista, and Javan said...

I'm glad things are looking up!

Tamryn, Jon, Ezzie and Lina Weber said...

That is so awesome!

Phil said...

Its awesome to hear when God provides. A similar thing happened to our church a year ago when we were financially struggling. God obviously challenged the right people who could make a difference.