Friday, January 7, 2011


This seems to be the theme of the day. I've gotten plenty done - maybe too much. Arguably, I'd be just as tired if I'd tried to lay on the couch and veg all morning, as the boys would surely have worn me out with constant brotherly brawling (or the little-people version of it).

I have to thank God publicly here, since I use this forum often to whine and I don't want it to become lopsided. The jobs I have recently acquired - and the Teen Court one in particular - have forced me to be more productive with my time and our money than I have been in a while. We'll have one credit card paid off this weekend and can begin focusing on the other. We've done a lot of work on our front room - the only bedroom we have that isn't currently used as a bedroom. Since we moved into this house almost four years ago, our idea has been for that room to be an office. But since the addition of Rhys rid of our playroom, we've also wanted the would-be office to also function as a guest bedroom and playroom. We bought futon last year (I think), so guests had a place to sleep, but the rest of the office was not usable because of an abundance of unsorted junk. Thanks to the holiday break for Andrew and me and more work than lounging, we were able to get it to a new stage of usability. We even bought a new piece of furniture for it after getting rid of the old furniture we didn't use or need. It's really quite the breath of fresh air...

In parenting news, we're going full speed ahead with potty training G. He's got two main issues we're still working on, but considering it's only two - frustrating though they are - I think we're making progress in the right direction.

All three jobs I have are going well at the moment (Teen Court, one afternoon of Learning Rx each week, and Tuesday morning Bible study babysitting). Gabriel, Rhys, and I are all loving BSF. The group of women I'm with each week shares such meaningful insights with each other, so I know it's the group God hand-picked for me. And a bit of a random sidenote - my BSF group leader is a woman I met years ago at a garage sale in front of her house. She (Elizabeth) and I struck up a conversation then about adoption, since both she and her friend had been through the process. I'd seen Elizabeth a few times around town since then, but now I'm having more of a chance to get to know her - which is fantastic.

This post may be disjointed, for which I only kind of apologize. G and I are currently fighting nap wars with each other. He still needs them - as evidenced by his terrible behavior when he doesn't nap - but he takes a long while to calm down and rest. His unwillingness to stay quiet and sleep means I don't get to put my mind at rest and nap myself on a Friday afternoon (even though I seriously need it).

All is well over here. I expect next week to find me throughly exhausted again, as I will have a full week during the mornings and afternoons, except for Friday, when let's all pray I'll be able to have a nap.

Also, I wanna kick a shout out to BffJ and Tam, both of whom had grandparents pass away this week. Your prayers for them would be ohsoverymuch appreciated.

Til next time, Q

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